Thursday, 29 July 2010

Think Creative DAY1

Hey, after getting lost 3 times on the way to Irvine today, I finally arrived at the studio.

It was good I really enjoyed being there around other designers and I got a project for the North Ayrshire City Council to do which are the images posted its an A5 booklet to make underage drinkers aware of the consequences of drinking, so its aimed towards 13-17.

I wont be in again until next week its sort of a part time placement since i have my part time job too, but i'm hoping to get to go down as much as I can, and as far as I know they would be quite ok with that.

I also got to see some of Cameron's work who is the creative director of Think Creative the stuff is so good, looking forward to working more with him.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Think Creative

Hey not updated in a while thought i would keep ppl up to date who want to know, I have a placement :) in a design studio called Think Creative in Irvine so i'm quite excited and looking forward to working in the industry, as I'm a little poor right now it will only be 2 days a week but is ongoing for i'm not sure how long, it hasn't been discussed yet.

I start on Thursday and will be there on Friday, so i'll post how my first two days are after that!

the website is but at the moment its under construction.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Nothing to do

I've been so bored I havent updated in a while even although it seems all ive been doing is design i havent had anything ive wanted to share right now, but i took this picture of the sky the other night it was really nice so i wanted to put this on here :)