Monday, 23 August 2010

iPhone retro :))

Got the iPhone 4 and the downloaded the hipstamatic app makes the pics look amazing get to switch the lense and flash and film to create loads of different styles of photograph and it's digital which is awesome !!!

Friday, 20 August 2010

Think Creative DAY 4

It was yesterday I was at Think Creative – I forgot to post when I got in.

Today was fun I had a meeting with the client for the Alcohol Booklet for North Ayrshire Council which was good there was some minor changes mostly in the grammer or wording which they sent but had decided didnt sound to good e.g. 'If you're out of your face' to 'If you're really drunk' lol they felt the first was giving a message they didnt want.

So after the meeting I finished the booklet which is now done! and waiting to print :D.

Then I done some design for Hibs Football Club just a few banners for their website to promote weddings in the stadium and private functions can be held there too, but that was something a little different and interesting.

Oh i've also finished the logo for Irvine Housing well the clients hasnt seen it yet so hopefully they will like it :)

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Think Creative DAY3

Hey today was my third day at the studio it was fun, I got good news that the booklet I had pitched was chosen by the clients to go ahead with only minor changes which is really good they said they usually get a good ammount of changes from the client, so that was a good start.

Now i'm finishing this booklet which i think it is done now, and i'm still working on the logo from before but there is no deadline for the logo as the client has just requested a re-vamp and isn't in much of a hurry.

Above are the things i've been working on, I'm looking forward to going down again, don't know when though, hopefully soon.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Think Creative DAY2

Hi, i'm updating with each day that I go to the studio since they are just whenever I can make it down there is a little gap since the last post but since then i had been working from home on the booklet for the North Ayrshire City Council and i've designed the majority of the booklet for a pitch to show the style throughout the book, so hopefully the commissioner will like it and I will get a green light to finish the book and correct anything to make it perfect for print.

But today I was working on a Logo for Irvine Housing, they want to keep it quite neutral to appeal to the wide market they have, so i just started and got working on it for about 3hours but it's not comin along that great at the moment, it's a start though.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Think Creative DAY1

Hey, after getting lost 3 times on the way to Irvine today, I finally arrived at the studio.

It was good I really enjoyed being there around other designers and I got a project for the North Ayrshire City Council to do which are the images posted its an A5 booklet to make underage drinkers aware of the consequences of drinking, so its aimed towards 13-17.

I wont be in again until next week its sort of a part time placement since i have my part time job too, but i'm hoping to get to go down as much as I can, and as far as I know they would be quite ok with that.

I also got to see some of Cameron's work who is the creative director of Think Creative the stuff is so good, looking forward to working more with him.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Think Creative

Hey not updated in a while thought i would keep ppl up to date who want to know, I have a placement :) in a design studio called Think Creative in Irvine so i'm quite excited and looking forward to working in the industry, as I'm a little poor right now it will only be 2 days a week but is ongoing for i'm not sure how long, it hasn't been discussed yet.

I start on Thursday and will be there on Friday, so i'll post how my first two days are after that!

the website is but at the moment its under construction.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Nothing to do

I've been so bored I havent updated in a while even although it seems all ive been doing is design i havent had anything ive wanted to share right now, but i took this picture of the sky the other night it was really nice so i wanted to put this on here :)

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

YAY done!

Finally done all my projects printed and photographed now all i'm waiting for is the presentation, one essay to do and thats me done! FOREVER!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

8 Down 1 to go

I've now finished 8 projects for my Major i'm quite pleased with all of them i think.

Art Direction
this is quite a large project I really enjoyed doing the shoot then editorial from it, thank you Nikki-Marie Turner, Samio Olawu & Anna Maria Lachowska

Empyreal House Hotel
Corporate Identity for a made up hotel done a fair amount of work for this project which i am also happy with done a set of guidelines too, which i always enjoy :P

Larch Cottage Nurseries
Another Identity for Nurseries, Restaurant and Art Gallery that had to tie in together in some way, this was good i enjoyed making the mark and experimenting with different typographic styles with this project.

Inverkip Hotel
This is for another Hotel obviously by the name this one is a live brief i didnt intend to do 2 identities for hotels this one just came up i'm not sure whats happening with it yet but ive done a website too not the whole lot but just a little preview.

Red Dot Site
This is a live project for a friend no more details right now :)

This is a packaging project for Robinsons 100% fruit juice its not live but i thought it would be fun, aimed towards kids as the fruit shoot alternative because fruit shoot is diluted in the bottle.

Boutique Chic
This is a live brief for a clothing shop in Greenock where i'm from i had to design a logo and stationary then do promotional material I've done and Art Direction to promote the shop. Thanks to Kerry Skilling, Nikki-Marie Turner & Lianne Donkersly

Dissertation Editorial
This is my editorial for my dissertation it would be published and given out as a supplement in the Guardian newspaper as a series of six booklets.

Original Fairytales
Grimm borthers fairytales to make a collectors edition, almost done printing on tuesday so i'll post when i get pics :)

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The observer

These are my series of books for the observer its just a supplement that would be issued once a week with the observer which is a Sunday newspaper...i think.

this is the set of six covers the retail&MARKETING booklet is my dissertation its been sent away and getting printed hopefully and bound right now!!! :)

Monday, 3 May 2010

Original Fairytales – Brothers Grimm

I'm working on a re-design of the Brother's Grimm fairytales collectors edition of 200 stories, which will be split into 4 volumes 50 stories per book. I'm not sure whether they will be a set or separate yet although the look same style will be applied to each with small changes depending on volume.